Travelers Rest Christmas Parade
Newsflash — It Rained — Again
Pictures provided by Penney Baumgartner, Claire Iler, Mike Kenyon, Don Lannan, Mike Rich, Mike Malandrino
Newsflash — It Rained — Again
Pictures provided by Penney Baumgartner, Claire Iler, Mike Kenyon, Don Lannan, Mike Rich, Mike Malandrino
One day away and counting -- the weather forecast -- it is a chang'in
Congratulations to all the winners
We are entry #47 led by INVISIBLE owned by Dave & Mary Smits
The rain, illness, and car problems trimmed the number of cars, but we still had 14 cars
Mike Kenyon's passenger -- Karen was under there somewhere
It started raining shortly after we arrived at our assigned staging area
A close count of the cars will yield 14 -- one arrived after this picture was taken -- one car pictured dropped out before the parade started
Michael Kenyon & Rod DeFord
David & Penney Baumgartner
Kim & Mike Malandrino
Mike Malindrino
Kim Malandrino
Mike & Kim Malandrino's Corvette
Mike & Kim Malindrino's Corvette
Sunburst & Kelly Hancock
Mike Rich & Diana Adams
Karen & Michael Kenyon, Bonnie Taylor, Lee Bates, Mike Rich, Diana Adams, Rod & Linda DeFord, Sunburst & Kelly Hancock, Penney & David Baumgartner, Dave & Mary Smits
Karen & Michael Kenyon, Bonnie Taylor & Lee Bates
Bonnie Taylor & Lee Bates -- Now that's a baked potato
Sunburst & Kelly Hancock, Penney & David Baumgartner, Dave & Mary Smits, Karen & Michael Kenyon, Bonnie Taylor, Lee Bates, Mike Rich, Diana Adams, Rod & Linda DeFord
David Baumgartner, Mary & Dave Smits