We have 24 reserved seats at Cafe and Then Some in Greenville for “The Last Christmas Show.” More seating can be reserved with advanced notice. Dinner options and prices can be found at Cafe and Then Some’s website: https://cafeats.com. To reserve your seat, you must sign up AND PAY Dave Smits no later than October 26, 2024. Payment can be made through the Ridge Runner Corvettes website using this link https://www.ridgerunnercorvettes.com/merchandise/p/cafeandthensomenov02 , other payment options are: pay cash, check, or charge at the RRC Cruise In on Oct 5th or at the Oct club meeting, Venmo app (search RidgeRunnerCorvettes), or mail a check to Dave at 601 Summitbluff Drive, Greenville, SC 29617.